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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Somewhere Out There…

Somewhere in the Middle East right now there is a man being tortured relentlessly and without mercy for information that he does not have and a woman is being beaten because an inch of her ankle was exposed by an unexpected breeze. As you read this, somewhere in Africa a young child is struggling to take her last breaths as she dies of starvation because her government refuses to allow her family food, and a mother has just had her new born baby boy ripped from her arms, thrown violently to the ground and his life stomped out. In the U.S. right now someone is getting into their car too drunk to see straight, planning to drive home, but won’t get there because on the way he will plow over a small child whose brains will be cleaned of the pavement with a hose, while another man is in a backroom buying a two year old girl that will never know any existence other than rape.

People are doing all these things to other human beings as we speak. On our planet. On our watch. Call me a douche bag, but there are worse things a person can do than bet on which dog is going to win a fight.

1 comment:

spost said...

While I agree with most of your entries and find them delightfully open minded this particular one is terribly upsetting. I can't help thinking about that power point project you did, putting the worlds ills into perspective. This piece portrays a much darker outlook.
Terrible things happen every moment of everyday,and its too much for anyone to truly comprehend. Thus, people choose pet causes, some small thing that is important and more importantly possible- for them. We all walk around with blinders. Any effort, no matter how small, that someone is willing to make to try and improve the life and wellbeing of a living thing matters and should be acknowledged and celebrated. This is not an incidence where one has to choose or weigh the worth of a cause. Its like saying that breast cancer isn't as important as TB.

If everyone dedicated what time and resources they could, we'd live in a better place, but this concept isn't mutally exclusive either.

On a very specific note, the bloodlust for violence exhibited at those dog fights should be a major concern. People who are cruel to animals are cruel to people. Not to mention the dangerous abusive behavior that coinsides with those gatherings, to women and children as well as animals.